ACP1420 Length Counter

$1,280.00 Exc GST

Call For Shipping: 1800 995 577

Analog counter suitable for measuring a variety of materials such as cable, wire, rope, extrusions, continuous strip etc. It can measure up to 25mm in diameter and 1,000m (1km in Meters & Tenths).

This is heavy duty machine is available with an Optional large 6m thick mounting plate with a 4-hole mounting pattern of 115mm x 75mm. It also has a single 10mm centre hole for single bolt mounting.

Product Description

  • A special feature push lever action to feed wire in, very handy when feeding the product through the machine.
  • It has a precision ground measuring wheel for high accuracy and is constructed with automotive grade BEARINGS for long life performance.
  • Optional extras include: 5 hole mounting plate – $48.60, + GST, Free standing, height adjustable floor stand which can also be bolted down – $186 + GST;
  •  Wheel away stand – $248 + GST
  • ncluded are easy fit reduction bushes to measure very small products.
  • Features 5mm easy read numerals
  • Comes complete with an easy touch reset button